Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Septic Tank Process ? Ultimate Article Directory

SEPTIC TANK Septic tank is an dominant to conserve environmental balance. This is a tank or a collection of tank of between 5000 and 7000 liters in size. This is very common in those areas which are isolated from the direct connection of the main drainage system. The term septic is comes from for its facility available to decompose the bacterial growth.

The waste water is treated well to neutralize all the growth of bacteria and reduce pollution to the environment. This is done with the help of some anaerobic bacteria culture inside the tank. The way a septic tank works is very simple. Disposed sewage feeds in to the septic tank and sedimentation takes over here allowing solid waste to compress.

As the septic tank is constructed to maintain the environmental factors so care should be taken to keep the eco balance. This includes greenary, microbes, soil, stones, atmosphere and natural activities that is included or associated with the septic tank. Ecosystem which all bacterial factors should be well maintained and should be toughest about while manufacturing a septic tank. If the ecosystem is hampered every element constituting this environment is hampered. So it is must be careful and aware.

If the ecosystem is hampered all elements this environment is hampered. So it is must be careful and aware. As the above mentioned danger can highly affect the ecosystem creating instability of the ecosystem same is true when sewage is not properly disposed. Sewage treatment is a process of taking out all impurities contaminants from the Discharged water. Discharged liquid may contain various metals and other substances which are dangerous for the environment. The main objective of this process is to produce an environmentally safe liquid which will not damage the environment. Sewage is treated in a a system such as a septic tank. Now looking at on the disinfection process it is always major factor to reduce the number of microorganisms in the water to be discharged back into the environment. Water treatment with chlorine is one of the common processes. The smell produced from the septic tank is a odorous gasses are treated with other chemicals so as to reduce the smell.

Septic tank can have lots of effects on nutrients pH level of water. This changes the biological life in water. A designed well and operating well tank do not have odor. Various designs of septic tank are invented which can last for long years. Few drawbacks are there such as cooking oils and grease cause the inlet to clog up. A non biodegradable substance may clog the septic tank. Excessive water will overload the tank and so it is necessary to clear it up frequently. Septic tank if looked after is very useful for those who are very far away from the main drainage system but good servicing is essential.

If you are interested in buying and installing a septic tank checkout this firstSeptic Tank

Source: http://www.articles-map.com/health-fitness/septic-tank-process/

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