Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How Alcohol and Drug are Treated


There is a better way of life to be lived. Right now, you can be drunk or high, as you read this. At this point you may just be curious about what we have to offer and look at the site. Or maybe the pain to continue on the same path is unbearable and you feel you have to change, but you're not sure where to start.

The best place to start is the beginning, you have a problem and admit that he cannot control anymore. The paradox in many 12-step support groups is the slogan: Surrender to win. This means that, yielding to try to control your addiction and self-help received, you win in the long term. And the truth is that you do not win in more ways than ever expected. You can do the things you did not want to do, but could not. There will be a free man again, is no longer a prisoner, or frightened.

Many of those new sober fear of being sad or boring or lose their sense of independence, to accept outside help, or come up with the addition of 12-step program. If you have these same questions, think about this: How much fun you have a drink and take drugs now? It is really still "fun"? And if you're worried about losing their independence, according to what he thinks of the moment: Alcohol and / or drugs. You probably have lost its independence for a long time, and can occur without you knowing. Difficult things to think about, is not it? But when you get a chance to come to the addiction, you are truly independent. It is no longer dependent on drink or drugs. You are free to live and do what you want to do. Can you imagine this in your life right now? It can be difficult, but it can become a reality for you, if you're willing to change.

You may have lost hope and think about treatment or monitoring program will not help you. Let me tell you that you are not alone in thinking this way. Perhaps you've been in therapy before or attended a couple of 12 step meetings, and you had a bad experience. Allow me a short story. A person came to us who tried to get sober for over twenty years. This person had been in treatment facilities and numerous meetings step 12, but was unable to stay sober for a few months at a time. After completing our program, that person is still with sober almost a year and a half of continuous sobriety! It has happened to them and it can happen to you. Do not wait any longer. There is a better way of life to be lived. It can happen to you if I may.


Source: http://lifestyle.ezinemark.com/how-alcohol-and-drug-are-treated-7d2f293a1597.html

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